Leon Shulman Liberty Cup 2020

Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Cherry Hill,: 2349 Marlton Pike W, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002, USA
May 30 2020
May 31 2020
Standard Sections (Open, U1900, U1500)

Prize fund

$5,000 (Based on 100 entries.)
60% guaranteed


Standard (05/30/2020-05/31/2020)


Open Prize: $1000-500-250 , top Under 2200/Unr $300

U2000 Prize: $700-450-250, top Under 1800 $300

U1500 Prize: $500-350-200, top Under 1300 $200


Max of byes: 1
Last round to request a bye: 1
Number of rounds in tourney: 4


US Chess Junior Grand Prix!

May 30-31   5th Annual Leon Shulman Liberty Cup 2020

US Chess Grand Prix Points: 20


$5,000 b/100 60%guaranteed! 4 rounds, Time control 40/90; SD 15; d5. Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Cherry Hill, 2349 West Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002, across from Garden State Park - 5 miles from Philadelphia City Center. In 3 sections: Open Section: $1000-500-250 top Under 2200 $300. Under 2000 Section: $700-450-250, top Under 1800 $300. Under 1500 Section: $500-350-200, top Under 1300 $200 Entry Fee: Online $75 at https://snjchess.com/register by 5/28, $90 at site. GMs, IMs free; $90 deducted from prize. Schedule: Reg ends Saturday 9:45 am, rds. Sat 10:00 am, 3:00 pm, Sun 10:00 am & 3:00 pm. Time Control: G/90 d5. All: Half point byes OK all, limit 2. Hotel rates: $109 - "Chess Rate", 1-856-382-6120; reserve by 5/15. Ratings: May official USCF rating list Contact: [email protected], (703) 989-6867.

In-person location

Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Cherry Hill,: 2349 Marlton Pike W, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002, USA
Registration closed.